
Aug 5, 20192 min

Unboxing the sleek Benq Zowie S series Mice

Benq Zowie reached out to me recently to review their new S series mice that are aimed at esports players. I am not an esports player but even I can appreciate the beautiful design and eye for detail that Benq Zowie has put into this range of mice right out of the box. Benq Zowie has supplied me with both the S1 and the S2 for review purposes and I will have my full thoughts on them out in the next two weeks.

Right out of the box they look stunning and extremely well finished. They look simple but tough, which I assume is exactly what a profession esports player should be after. It wasn't till I started reading up on the features of both the S1 and the S2 that I really began to see that these are no ordinary mice and they may look simple, but they are really far from it.

The fact that the serial numbers and information sticker is attached to the cable and not under the mouse like others is a simple but smart move. That the mice come with replacement feet for when you wear out your first set just shows the levels that Benq Zowie have gone to to make this series elite. The fact that this mouse is completely plug and play is just another little touch added for those players who will travel to tournaments with these and need them ready in an instant.

I am impressed by these Benq Zowie S series mice straight out of the box and really looking forward to reviewing them to you in the very near future. Till then check out the unboxing video that is at the bottom of this post.
